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My Priorities
Thriving students. Caring Community.


Students Who Thrive

Students who succeed don’t just get good grades – they’re joyful, curious learners who feel like valued members of our community. Our children arrive in their classrooms with diverse learning styles, backgrounds and abilities. We must meet them where they are so they can learn academic skills as well as perseverance, creativity, empathy, self-awareness, and the ability to collaborate with others who are different than themselves. ​

​I support continued investments into:

  • Professional counseling and mental-health resources at both schools

  • Maintaining Las Lomitas' small class sizes, a hallmark of our district

  • Social-emotional learning resources for students who are growing up in an increasingly stressful world

  • Programs that help kids engage with technology in thoughtful and meaningful ways

  • Professional development for teachers to help them utilize AI effectively to support student education

  • Hands-on, collaborative learning areas in classrooms and shared school spaces that spark students’ creativity in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM)

  • Equity work with a focus on ensuring all students feel cared for and able to learn, including the continuation of restorative practices and universal design for learning in all classrooms


Collaboration with Educational Partners

​Excellent schools require a caring community that works together to help students thrive. At the heart of this work are our exceptional teachers and staff.

I support:​

  • Finding creative ways to prioritize teacher compensation so we may continue to attract and retain a high-quality teaching staff

  • Working collaboratively with district leadership by asking hard questions, listening to multiple perspectives, and working with the community in a productive manner that respects the experiences of students, families, and our professional educators

  • A thoughtful strategic-planning process for the next five years that gathers broad input from the community and keeps the district on a path of educational excellence

  • More community access to district decision-making by ensuring all voices are heard

  • Hosting annual forums between our board and labor unions so that district leadership understands staff priorities when making strategic and fiscal decisions

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